Good Now, Good Later loans

Good Now, Good Later loans are small loans for people who need a hand with immediate, essential costs. 

Laughing lady

Good Shepherd NZ created Good Now, Good Later loans as an alternative for people dealing with high living costs who are particularly exposed to getting caught in the cycle of using buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) for essential day-to-day living which can quickly lead to larger and unmanageable amounts of debt.

Good Now, Good Later loans are:

  • up to $500 within 48 hours (during weekdays)
  • 16 weeks to repay
  • available for use by FinCap registered Financial Mentors (on submission of your first application please attach a copy of your mentor certificate for verification. This can be either your FMIC, Federation or FinCap certificate)
  • for New Zealanders on limited incomes