Partner with us

Partners help us deliver services free of charge to people experiencing harm and hardship. We also work with partners on innovative new ideas, services and infrastructure to reduce harm and improve financial wellbeing.

Women at work

We go further together

As a charity working on layered social issues, partnerships are vital to Good Shepherd. 

Partnerships help us deliver services to people experiencing harm and hardship. The social systems our work happens within also benefit from partnerships. We work with partners toward shared goals like institutional change, industry improvement, and services tailored to address specific challenges.

Many people in New Zealand are at risk of high-cost debt and experiencing economic abuse through family violence. Demand for our services means we are always on the lookout for organisations interested in working with us to help women, girls and their families be safe, strong, well and connected. 

Learn more about the meaningful change we’re making with partners.

Opportunities for Good Shepherd partnership

We need funding to deliver our services, continue combatting the economic harm caused by family violence, and co-create innovative solutions. 

Good Shepherd is looking for:

  • Operational funding to deliver our services
  • Delivery partners to help us reach target audiences and deliver well to them
  • Referral partners with aligned services who want to ensure better referrals between organisations for clients
  • innovation and co-design partners to design and stand up bold new solutions for social issues.

We’re actively looking at bold new services and infrastructure to:

  • Reduce harm caused by incarceration and the justice system, and increase rehabilitation
  • Increase financial wellbeing and access to dignified income
  • Ensure women and their families have access to safe, stable and healthy housing, connected to social services.

To join us in solving social problems in a holistic way and directing our efforts where society can get the best return on our investment, get in touch.