Juliette’s story about dealing with debt

I’d love to find a house where the children can have their own bedrooms and go to a good school. I’m keen to finish my studies and pursue a career in nursing.

My partner’s physical and financial abuse took a real
toll on me. My kids and I can’t rent a house or buy a car
because of the debt he took out in my name.

Juliette illustration

This is Juliette’s story, edited to keep her safe and help you read. Quotes are Juliette’s own words. Names have been changed.

I was with Steve for ten years, and I left the relationship ten months ago.

Before we got together, I was happy and financially independent — feeling proud of what I had achieved in my work and studies after doing some level four certificates to further my career in the disability sector.

“Nothing is ever perfect, but life was pretty good. I had my own finances. I had been working since I was 15.”

Steve and I started seeing each other and things were going ok. We had been together for just a month when I became pregnant. This felt like it sped things up and we hadn’t gotten to know each other very well yet. Our relationship was fine until I was eight months’ pregnant and on maternity leave, when he hit me for the first time.

I was the main income earner and only stopped working to go on a benefit for a short time after having each of my two children. His mental health was not good, so he chose not to work and stay at home with the kids instead. He would guilt trip me about having to be a stay-at-home dad, and insisted I buy him gifts and let him spend whatever money he wanted on himself. His physical violence continued through the course of our relationship.

He paid close attention to my earning and spending and made me ask permission before I bought anything. I was earning a good wage so couldn’t understand why there was often less in the bank account than I expected. We relied on food parcels and used layby and Afterpay to buy clothes for the children.

He bought a car on hire purchase without me knowing. He put the car in my name and never made payments on it. He also used my bank card to buy what he wanted without my knowledge. Money kept leaving the bank account and I wasn’t sure where it was going, or why there was nothing to show for it. I discovered that he had a drug addiction. He was spending money on meth
instead of food and other things we needed as a family. I started to hide money and tell him I was earning less than I was so we could buy essentials and get through to the next pay day.

“He would rather use the money to buy drugs than to buy food for the kids. Sometimes I would just give
him money because I was so drained, and I couldn’t argue with him anymore.”

I was worried and I went to Oranga Tamariki for help. I felt like they were judging me for staying in the relationship. Instead of requiring my partner to get help for his addiction, they suggested I go to a parenting course. I tried to leave him many times. He always said he would do better. I thought it would be better for the kids to live with both parents, and I didn’t have the outside support I needed to leave. Earlier this year, counselling sessions and a parenting course helped me find the strength to leave. The children and I were homeless when I left, so we’ve been living in my sister’s lounge. He crashed the first car he bought under my name and got another one using my details, which he isn’t paying for. The debt he has taken out in my name has given me a bad credit rating so I can’t rent a place or buy a car.

“His car has given me bad credit for seven years. His current car is under my name but he’s not paying the bills, so it affects my credit rating. It’s stressful and depressing but I am trying not to think about it.”

My largest debt is to the Ministry of Social Development because each time I left the relationship I had nothing, so received hardship grants to get furniture for my children. The debt built up to thousands and I am paying it back $25 a week. I’m still paying off the debts I accumulated through the relationship, but I feel a bit better about managing them now. I feel ashamed about how long I stayed with Steve, but I’m also proud of how far I have come. The kids are seven and nine now. I really hope our future will be debt-free and financially stable.

“[I hope to] have a better career, kids settled at a good school — simple things like that. I’m doing better now. I’m striving for the best.”

Nell’s story about economic harm

I’m studying to be a counsellor because I want to help people. I’m trying to understand what has happened to me. I want to make a good life for my son and I.

I brought $100,000 of savings into my marriage. Economic abuse made me dependent and vulnerable, and my ex used the legal system to drive me into debt.

Nell illustration

This is Nell’s story, edited to keep her safe and help you read. Quotes are Nell’s own words. Names have been changed.

I moved to New Zealand 10 years ago. I studied, got my residency visa and gained full time employment. I was enjoying life — making good friends, earning good money, and saving as much as I could for a deposit on a house. 

I met Byron at one of the hobby clubs I was part of. He was charismatic and charming. He felt like someone I had been looking for my whole life. I had some painful abusive relationships in the past and I was thrilled to think I was leaving that behind.   

“I had dreamt about meeting someone like him. And finally, I did.”

Things moved quickly. Within weeks he wanted to move in together. Within months he said we should get married, open joint bank and credit accounts, have children and buy property. I was surprised by the whirlwind of this time but I went with it because he seemed like the perfect man. It’s rare to meet a man who actually wants to have children. I became pregnant quickly and he pushed for us to buy a family home. 

My friends were alarmed at how fast we were moving and so was my financial advisor. They advised against buying a house together and said I should get a prenuptial contract since I was bringing $100,000 in savings to the marriage, and he was bringing debts. Byron was furious when I suggested this. 

“He made me out to be a very bad person for asking [for a prenuptial agreement]. He said, ‘there is no way I would ever leave the mother of my child in need’.”

I was afraid he would leave me, so I let it go and agreed to joint bank accounts and credits cards. I agreed we could use my savings as a deposit for a house. 

We bought the house, used the rest of my savings to renovate, and our son was born. Not long after this our relationship started to fall apart. It was like a mask dropped for him. He was verbally and psychologically abusive and he made a lot of threats. 

“It feels like he’s a spider and the more web he had around me — in terms of the joint property, the child — the more dependent and the more vulnerable I was. The more he suffocated me.”

He threatened to take our son away from me and take the house away. The house was important to me because it represented my life’s dreams and my savings. He was cheating on me, claiming to be a sex addict, and begged me to stay and help him rehabilitate.

As things in our relationship got worse, I was horrified to learn that New Zealand law meant he could take half of the house even though we used my savings to buy it and I paid the mortgage. I was even more shocked when I found out I would be forced to take on half of my husband’s debt if we got divorced. That’s when I realised I was going to lose half of the money I had worked so hard to save. I had no family and no information about the legal system.

“All his actions were strategic moves. A sort of game for him. He knew the process, he knew the laws and I didn’t.”

He tricked me into moving out of the house by saying his lawyer recommended showing and selling the house with no one in it. When my son and I were out, his girlfriend moved in and he refused to talk with lawyers or real estate agents about selling. He and his girlfriend wouldn’t pay the mortgage, rates or bills, and the bank started calling me to ask for payments. I was now caring for my son full time as a single parent and felt forced to sign for a mortgage holiday, which meant debt was accumulating and would come out of house sale proceedings.

“Once we were finally free of him, he started to use the legal system to abuse me.”

I managed to hire a lawyer with a small amount of money I had hidden from him. A judge ordered the sale of the house and by this point I had lost more than half of my investment and taken on tens of thousands of dollars in my husband’s debt. He was enraged about the sale of the home. 

He quit his job and started work that paid under the table so he could hide his income and avoid paying child support. He claimed he could only find work in expensive areas of town, and demanded the courts order me and our son to move to these areas where rent was more than I could afford. When I complied and moved, he would quit his job and move again, and return to court to insist I move too. This crippled me financially and I couldn’t understand why he was able to dictate where we lived. 

He started typing up false things about me and filing them in court, saying I wasn’t a fit mother. It didn’t cost him to make false allegations, but I had to put together massive affidavits and evidence, paying for a lawyer and taking up lots of my time. He is still using the court to financially abuse me, and unless laws change, he could keep doing this until our son is an adult.

“Just knowing that there are people who I can reach out to … that’s so precious and this saves lives.”

I have a lot of legal debt, but I still feel hopeful. The little money I got from the house sale went towards a small home where the mortgage is less than my previous rent. I’m grateful to people who have helped me find housing, clothes and food — some of them are complete strangers. And I’m thankful to organisations like Women’s Refuge and Good Shepherd who have helped me navigate the financial system and try to repair my ruined credit.

“I’m quite confident that we will be okay because I’m quite careful with our finances . . . Our income is very low, and our expenses are quite high, but we’re managing because of all the support.”

Getting Susan back on her feet after extreme relationship violence

Susan experienced extreme relationship violence and lost her business and her home. A grant helped Susan apply for, register and serve bankruptcy documents to her ex so she can be paid the money she is owed.

Money illustration

Susan* experienced extreme relationship violence, which caused the loss of her business and privately owned home. Threatening behaviours continued in the form of stalking after the relationship ended. She lived in hiding out of fear for her safety, and was facing ongoing challenges with her health as a result of violence.   

When Susan enquired about a Good Loan for some legal costs, she was renting a home shared with her son who is autistic. She was receiving the sickness benefit and struggling to meet the costs of basic needs. Years of lengthy court proceedings against her ex-partner had taken a toll, which worsened when the High Court ruled in favour of Susan receiving $61,000 for unpaid child support and her ex fled the country in response. 

While she was seeking financial support to progress her legal battle, Susan’s ex made complaints to the Ministry of Social Development, the legal aid service and Inland Revenue. This prevented her accessing any financial assistance from these agencies. 

Good Shepherd’s family violence economic harm support service explored options for Susan including a bridging loan. But the complex nature of her situation limited the affordability and repayment of a loan. We approved a grant to cover the cost for Susan to apply for, register and serve bankruptcy documents to her ex so she can be paid the money she is owed. The unpaid child support will enable Susan to get back on her feet and hold her ex-partner accountable. She will have more options to move to affordable housing, plan for a better future, and continue improving her mental and emotional wellbeing. 

Working alongside Susan, our team also discussed housing support, connected her with the Salvation Army to address basic needs, and introduced her to a financial mentor to help with challenges moving forward.

In an email, Susan says “Thank you, thank you so much. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for good news. Everyone always has the best intentions but for some reason or another, they can never help! I am forever grateful and will pay it forward as soon as I can”.

“It feels like suddenly there is ground under my feet instead of being in free fall. It still hasn’t fully sunken in yet”.

* name has been changed for safety.

Rina’s story about cleaning up her credit

I want to get back to a place where I can buy good food and ingredients to cook for my family. I’d love to create resources for women who are going through the kind of challenges I’ve faced.

We had been married 16 years when he developed serious gambling and drug addictions. I can’t believe how much debt he was able to take out in my name.

Rina illustration

This is Rina’s story, edited to keep her safe and help you read. Quotes are Rina’s own words. Names have been changed.

I’m an IT professional and am now a single parent of my two teenage boys. I met my ex-husband Mal when I was very young, and we got married when I was 20. 

He had always managed our finances. The mortgage, car loans and bank accounts were in both of our names, but he handled the accounting. I didn’t have much visibility of the family finances. I thought we were financially stable.

“We had an amazing marriage for almost twenty years. We had a 1.5 million dollar property. We had a Range Rover. But then something changed.”

About 16 years into our marriage I noticed some changes in his behaviour that worried me. He started disappearing a lot and he lied about where he was. He was often short tempered. He started obsessing about money. 

When I started getting calls from banks and creditors looking for payments, I was shocked. 

The calls from creditors continued, and I learned Mal was getting credit cards out under my name. He was applying for them online. When you’ve been together for so long your partner has access to your passport, your driver’s license, your logins.

“It’s so easy to apply for stuff online . . . He was going to screw up my credit rating. Once your rating’s gone, you’re screwed.”

I found out he had developed serious gambling and drugs addictions. He was slowly bankrupting our family to pay for these habits. He became erratic and violent. I saw gang members coming to the house. I was afraid for myself and my children. Every day for four years, he would demand that I give him money and jewellery my family had given me. He smashed up the room, pulled all my clothes out of the drawers. It looked like I had been robbed every day.

“We had no food, no money, and I didn’t know how to get out of it.”

Eventually his physical attacks got so bad that I got a protection order and he was forced to leave the family home. The court ordered the sale of the house and I was shocked to realise that the law says if a couple takes debt on — even if it’s only in his name — everything is split 50/50. So even though the house was valued at $1.5 million I walked away with $30,000. 

I moved into my mum’s house. I felt like I was 16 years old, and I felt like a failure.

Good Shepherd helped me to clean up my credit and get a loan for a small home. 

“I fought for this independence and if it wasn’t for Good Shepherd I wouldn’t have my own home.”

I’m now the sole supporter for my children. We were starting to get back on track but I was made redundant recently. Doing well in my work is important to me and this came as a real blow. The market is really tough at the moment, and I really don’t want to lose another house.

Looking back, I am furious my ex-husband was able to take out so much debt in my name. What he did was horrible, but I wouldn’t be in this situation if our laws and financial institutions were different. If someone does a credit check and sees lots of cards under my name, how can they keep approving loans? A lot of big banks approved credit cards in my name but they never once asked me to go in person to validate or verify or authenticate. 

“I started blaming myself. I was like, ‘how dumb can I be?’. But I also feel as though all these people online approving stuff, they failed me because they should have done more to validate who was actually applying for a loan.”

It was also very frustrating that no one believed the debt wasn’t mine. When the bank would call I kept telling them I don’t know about the debt they’re mentioning and they said ‘It’s under your name. You’re responsible’. It wasn’t until I got in touch with Good Shepherd that anyone believed me.

An experience like what I’ve been through can weigh heavy on your chest. But I’m putting my energy back into my future, into my kids and into growing myself. I am letting go of anger so I can grow.

“I’m in a really, really good space and I no longer blame myself. But one thing I will say is, to women or anyone going through economic harm — go with your gut.”

Connie’s story about getting her life back

I just want to have a good nest egg. I would love to own
my own home. I dream of travelling one day, if I can
squirrel away a little bit of money.

My husband isolated me from friends, family and my
income. He would have the newest phone and the best
shoes but we couldn’t afford formula for the baby.

Connie illustration

This is Connie’s story, edited to keep her safe and help you read. Quotes are Connie’s own words. Names have been changed.

When I met James, I had a good job in the medical sector and was living at home with my mum and nana. I was growing my savings.

“I was pottering along and doing well. And, because I was working and living at home at that time, I was saving a lot.”

We met through his family. His sister was a friend of mine and I knew his mum too. He started paying attention to me over time, talking about how great I was. He was a very fun and very popular person, and it was amazing to hear that he felt lucky to have me. I was so excited when we decided to get married. We had the same values and wanted the same things for our future.

Very soon after the wedding James had new ideas for his future. He wanted fewer children than we had talked about, and he said he would be away from home a lot. He had never mentioned this before. Being alone in a relationship would have been a deal breaker for me.

“Within the first six months of being married, I was in debt. It felt like being mugged — like you’ve been stood over by your husband and he’s saying ‘I need your card. I need to take your card’.”

He started to demand money from me. If I hesitated, he would say I wasn’t a good partner and threaten to leave. I found that really difficult because I didn’t want to be a failure.

In the early days of our marriage, I had a good job and a healthy savings account. When we had our first child, I stopped working so I could take care of the baby. As my money dried up, my husband started to take out credit — in my name. Any debt was taken on in my name. I knew this and I signed on to things because if I didn’t, he would get angry and scream or do things like driving dangerously on purpose when me and the baby were in the car.

“It’s so much easier to give in than to go through whatever is going to happen to you from saying no.”

We both went on the benefit after I stopped working. Half of the money coming in went into my account and half went into his. He expected my half to cover our rent and anything the children needed. He would have the newest phone and nice shoes, and I didn’t have money to put credit on my old phone or buy formula for the baby. His family noticed the differences in how we were living, and they would sometimes give money to me or the kids. My parents help me out too, paying for appointments or clothes for the children.

I think this family support was part of why he insisted we move to Australia. The physical and economic abuse got much worse when we moved to Darwin. I wasn’t allowed to call my family.

“Basically, he was like ‘I will destroy you. No one will ever want you. I’ll make sure you have no relationships and I’m not going to stop until you kill yourself’.”

In the wake of the marriage, I was left with masses of debt, including an overdraft and credit-related bills that I just couldn’t budge. My ex-husband is working but gets paid under the table, so he doesn’t have to report his earnings or pay child support.

The stress caused by the debt has been huge. It was feeling totally unmanageable until I learned about Good Shepherd. They helped me get an overdraft wiped, got my debt consolidated, and offered me an affordable loan so I can pay things off slowly.

My main goal is to get back to the life I was living before I met my ex. Ever since we were married, I have lived in poverty, which wasn’t the case before. I’m in a support group with women who have been through similar experiences. I keep telling them, and myself, that we just have to get through this. It’s scary but I know things will be better.

“Even though I’m so much better off than when I was with him, I’m still not out of that hole he dug for me because I don’t have any savings. I hope one day that will change.”

Amber’s story about finding hope, dignity and respect

I want to be a great mum, to enjoy everyday things
with my children, to own a home and to use my
creativity to help others.

His control over the money I was earning has
changed the course of my life and continues to
hold me and my kids back.

Amber illustration

This is Amber’s story, edited to keep her safe and help you read. Quotes are Amber’s own words. Names have been changed.

I have two boys — age 8 and 12 — who both have special needs. It has been a year since I left my marriage of 18 years. Throughout our relationship, John used control and deception to stop me accessing money. It started with him questioning my ability to manage money, and built to the point where I had no access to my money and he was actively increasing my debt.

In the years before meeting him, I worked in the creative industries with a successful career. I was financially independent and self-sufficient in a senior role.

We met through mutual friends. He seemed outgoing and motivated, and any doubts I had about him shrank away with promises that he would take good care of me. A few months later he suggested we move in together to save for our own place

“It wasn’t until I met him that I actually started to feel like I was bad with money.”

He started questioning me about how I spent and managed money. He said I was bad at managing it. I never had problems managing money before, but over time I started to think I needed his help.

He worked in a bank. He suggested we set up a joint account and have him manage our finances so we could buy a house.

My husband’s control and abuse escalated. If I bought anything — even a coffee at work — he would call and berate me so loudly that other people could hear. I wasn’t allowed to buy anything for our children without his permission, and if I needed to, I was frightened about what he would do.

“I never knew what money we had because he took control of that, and he dictated how much money we had. So, if wanted to buy something it was never simple.”

He set up multiple bank accounts, including six for the mortgage. He would move money between them every day, so it was almost impossible for me to understand. He restricted my access to our accounts. He became aggressive if I asked what was happening with our money.

We were both earning good salaries, but he insisted we had no money and I was in “fuckin’ la la land” if I thought differently.

He set up a personal bank account without telling me. He called it ‘Car Loan’ and put all of his money into it. My salary paid for the mortgage and bills, and any leftover money was moved into the fake car loan account for him to spend. I didn’t know our real car loan was not being paid.

As our relationship began to fall apart, my husband moved into the sleepout. He abused me constantly, regularly sending threatening texts saying I would never get the children or the house.

“My mental health just could not cope with what was going on. He was taunting me, sending me abusive messages. It was the worst case of emotional abuse.”

The stress was overwhelming. I felt suicidal and I ended up in hospital. During that time, he staged the house to make it look like I was an alcoholic and an
unfit mother. He took photos for a custody application and gained full custody of our children. I paid for a hair follicle test to prove his allegations were false.

When I left the relationship, I had nowhere to go, so I slept on the floor in my sister’s lounge for a month. I’m renting a two-bedroom house now. It’s an hour’s drive from the city where my children go to school. My weekly outgoings are more than I have coming in, so I rely on food parcels from Women’s Refuge and Love Soup, and handouts from family. My ex still won’t let me into the house to get my clothes or belongings. He kept joint assets like our furniture and car. I had to use my Kiwisaver to buy a car so I could get the kids to school.

I’m so grateful to Good Shepherd and Woven Earth for organising donated furniture so my boys and I now have beds. Having items like furnishings, plants and posters gives me a sense of hope, dignity and respect.

“It keeps me stuck where I am not able to move forward because he still dictates what’s happening with the house. He’s still got all my belongings.”

My ex-husband’s abuse and the challenges that come from it continue almost a year after I left the relationship. I sought legal advice to regain access to my children after he lied to government agencies about their safety and my competence as a parent. I care for our children more than half of the time, but he told the IRD he is their primary carer, so I am not entitled to child support. I cover the cost of their clothing, school and extracurricular activities, medical care, and counselling even though I earn a third of what he does. If I ask for money to help with these things he verbally abuses me.

He is also actively putting me further into debt. I pay half of the mortgage while he lives in the family home, but he changed the bank account details without telling me so I couldn’t pay and fell into arrears. He pays his half of the mortgage — it’s with the bank who employs him — but he refuses to pay any rates, bills or insurance for the house he is living in. He won’t talk with me about the sale of the house and is neglecting maintenance so it will decrease in value and he can buy my share at a reduced price.

His abuse and the situation I’m in have affected my mental health. I had to give up my well-paid job and I’m on the Jobseeker benefit. I have lost confidence, and I feel like I have PTSD.

I’m fighting for increased custody of my children, child support payments, access to my things, and to be able to sell the family home so I can untangle my finances from John’s and move on. He has the means to pay for a high-powered lawyer and I am relying on legal aid. The process is slow and difficult, but I will persist.

“[I want to] start using this experience to give me the courage to put myself out there, and not let this experience just bury me”.

Helping Hannah escape eviction

Hannah’s life and wellbeing were affected by family violence in many ways. She was behind on rent and facing eviction. A grant set her on a different path.

Hannah’s* life and wellbeing were affected by family violence in many ways, including ongoing symptoms of multiple concussions from physical abuse and significant financial challenges due to economic harm.

She contacted Good Shepherd to ask about a loan when she was behind in rent. Hannah’s landlord had served an eviction notice. 

Hannah was working part time and had recently secured a full-time job after building up her physical and psychological capacity to take on more work. This was a recovery milestone for Hannah and would really improve her financial situation. With the new job due to start in two weeks, she could not afford to lose the safety and stability of her home. Without somewhere to live she would likely need to resign. 

We were not able to approve a loan for Hannah because it would be unaffordable. Her experience fleeing family violence had left her with $97,000 owed to government agencies. She was on a repayment plan that would take over 200 years for the debt to be repaid. 

Considering Hannah’s circumstances, we were able to provide a grant for her to pay rent arrears, keep her in her home and keep her recovery on track. We continue to work alongside Hannah and her financial mentor as she rebuilds her life. 

* name has been changed for safety.

Helping Mīria stay in her home

Mīria was subjected to violence by her partner in the family home she owned. She suffered a huge amount of economic harm and almost lost her house.

Miria illustration

Mīria* was referred to Good Shepherd by a financial mentor after she reached out to find help for the debt in her name due to family violence.     

She lives rurally, in a North Island town with her children and grandchild. Mīria was subjected to violence by her partner in the family home she owned. Police took her and the children to stay with her mother. They all slept on the floor, while Mīria’s partner remained in her house. 

During the relationship, the couple received a benefit. He controlled all the money and financial decisions. Mīria was forced to have debts taken out in her name, and bills only got paid if he wanted them to. She wasn’t allowed to open her own mail or emails. 

Mīria obtained a protection order, and after a year of court processes he was incarcerated. 

When she was able to return to her home, Mīria learned he had not paid any of the household bills. The power, mortgage, and rates were in arrears. Because of a bad credit rating, the mortgage was with a third-tier, high-cost lender and the debts were out of control. Mīria also has $19,000 of debt owing to Work and Income.

She had been working with Women’s Refuge, Work and Income, and a financial mentor to try and sort out the relationship debt she was left with. Good Shepherd was contacted a day before the house was going to mortgagee auction. Our family violence economic harm service made contact with the mortgage lender. We learned about a $9,000 car loan her ex-partner had taken out, secured by the house. The car loan was with another high-cost lender and, because he hadn’t been making payments, it had increased to $30,000. 

Through meetings and discussions, Good Shepherd managed to halt the house sale while a new contract was negotiated with an interest rate almost four per cent lower. Other debts needed to be addressed for this agreement to go ahead.

We contacted the relevant creditors and collections agencies, managing to get debt wiped to the value of almost $8,000. This included power arrears and Afterpay. Centrix removed outstanding defaults from Mīria’s credit report. Through several conversations with the council, we accessed a $750 rates rebate which took the arrears debt to $6,630. Some of this was added to the new mortgage, and the remainder was paid by a grant from Good Shepherd. Reduced debt, and lower and redirected payments mean Mīria can stay on top of ongoing costs, afford basic needs, and keep the family home. 

As well as economic harm services, we worked with the financial mentor to support Mīria’s family in other ways. The Police ‘flexi fund’ was accessed for new beds for the children, and a small community grant allowed for the purchase of some vegetable seeds and potting mix to set up a vegetable garden. Another Good Shepherd grant made sure Mīria and her family had groceries when they moved back into their home.

Some of the children struggled with mental wellbeing throughout this experience, and returning home has allowed them to settle back into school. Mīria is grateful for the help she has received, and says she now feels confident to speak with creditors to discuss her financial situation.

“I’m starting anew, I’m a new person!” – Miria

* name has been changed for safety

Making Mili’s debt more manageable

Family violence left Mili with a lot of unmanageable debt. We could see opportunities to help her become more financially stable. So, we got to work.

Mili* got in touch with Good Shepherd after being referred to us by Women’s Refuge. She left an abusive relationship where her partner controlled all the money and the financial decisions. Mili and her five children were staying at the Refuge’s safe house, and she had a protection order against her ex-partner.

When fleeing violence, Mili had needed loans from the government for things like housing and furniture. She had to relocate six times, leading to a debt of $100,000 with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). Mili was working with a financial mentor to try and improve her situation.

Our team could see opportunities to help her become more financially stable, so we got to work. We were able to get Mili’s repayments to MSD reduced from $98 to $30. This loan won’t be paid off in her lifetime but lower repayments should help with getting by each week. 

We learned that $70 of Mili’s benefit was being redirected to pay for power each week, and this had been the case for years. Conversations with the power company revealed she was in credit by $2,000 and they hadn’t been able to make contact with her due to her address and phone number changing often as she moved to stay safe. Despite being in credit, when Mili moved into her new Kainga Ora rental and applied to the same company, they declined her due to a bad credit report. After we helped the power provider understand Mili’s situation, power was connected, her overpayment was refunded, and her power and internet was capped at $200 for six months.   

Mili also had a $20,000 debt with a finance company for a recent car purchase. Her ex had always damaged her vehicles — often when she tried to leave the relationship. While Mili was staying at the safe house, he found where she was and smashed her new car so badly it couldn’t be driven. The finance company had been contacted about the loan being unaffordable when it was first obtained, and they responded by refunding interest and penalties, and lowering repayments. After the car was damaged, and through many conversations, we managed to have it returned to the finance company. Because of Mili’s unique circumstances, they wiped the remaining debt.

“Thank you so much, no one has ever been able to help me the way you have” – Mili.

* name has been changed for safety

The long-term impact of economic harm

Economic harm continues to affect women even after abuse ends. Read Rebecca’s story.

“I didn’t know emotional abuse was considered domestic violence. I didn’t know economic harm was a form of abuse.”

These are things we hear all too often and it was no different with our client, Rebecca, who experienced physical, emotional, and economic harm during her marriage.

Economic harm, sometimes called economic abuse, is behaviour towards a person that controls, restricts or removes their access to money, economic resources, or participation in financial decisions.

For Rebecca, this was a gradual process, both Rebecca and her husband worked in good jobs and lived a nice lifestyle. They were married for 20 years and there was trust in their relationship but over time he began gambling and using drugs and became physically and emotionally abusive.

While it’s natural in a household for one person to look after the finances on behalf of the family, for Rebecca, this went further than managing the bills. 

Her ex-husband controlled her bank accounts, accessed her email without her knowledge and was able to reset her banking password to take money directly from her. He stole valuable jewellery from Rebecca and pawned it off to pay for his addictions.

“In my culture, you just don’t leave your husband, even when there is abuse happening.”

When Rebecca realised how bad things were and wanted to leave, her family encouraged her to stay and work on her marriage.

Even as a first-generation New Zealander, these cultural norms were entrenched for Rebecca and her family.

Leaving an abusive relationship

After she separated from her ex-husband, the family home became caught up in a prolonged court process, which left Rebecca exhausted and with minimal funds to support her family. 

“I had no fight left, I had to walk away.”

Because of her situation, Rebecca was struggling to support her children so started up a small business on top of her day job to survive. She still had to rely on foodbanks and community support.

Over the next year, Rebecca worked with her bank to use the proceeds from the relationship property to buy her own home. The process was almost complete when a credit check found over $40,000 of debt taken out in her name that she had no knowledge of.

This was when she was referred to Good Shepherd’s Economic Harm Support Service and met Vanessa.

Support to recover from economic harm

Good Shepherd’s Economic Harm Support Service provides advocacy and information specific to addressing economic harm. Specialists like Vanessa can help negotiate with creditors to reduce repayments, write off debts or come up with new repayment arrangements, and support to access family violence hardship provisions.

Vanessa worked closely with Rebecca, advocating for her with her bank and the other creditor to get an agreement on resolving the debt. Once a resolution for the debt had been found, Rebecca’s bank agreed to give her a home loan.

Getting a solution for the debt enabled Rebecca to get a home loan with her bank and buy her own house.

“I never thought I could do this in my life, but I did it. I can breathe again.”

Ongoing care

While Rebecca was in the process of setting up the utilities in her new home, she received a call from a debt collection agency about another debt of over $10,000 that again had been taken out in her name. The utility company that she had used for over 3 years declined to supply the home after a credit check showed a default to the debt collection agency.

Rebecca contacted Vanessa again, who worked with the utility company on a resolution for the debt. After a solution had been found for this debt, Rebecca was able to get utilities in her new home.

Stories like Rebecca’s highlight the long-term impact of economic harm, even after the relationship and other forms of abuse have ended. Good Shepherd will continue to raise awareness of this issue and encourage businesses and organisations to develop appropriate responses for their customers and clients, so we can all play our part in eliminating family harm in New Zealand.

Finding support

If you’re concerned about economic harm or want to talk with someone about the money side of your relationship, our Economic Harm Specialists are trained in advocacy and understand the impact of economic harm.