Free toolkit launched to help couples have conversations about money

June 27, 2022

We’re proud to share that our Healthy Financial Relationships Toolkit is now available for free, online, for any individual or couple wanting to use it.

Over the past year we have been busy working alongside AUT to launch our Healthy Financial Relationships Toolkit, which is bespoke to New Zealand, based on the findings from our joint research project that took place last year.

A focus group participant told us the toolkit changed the way she approached her money conversations.

“Instead of attacking my partner, I have listened to his ideas and not thought ‘here we go again… all talk and no action.’ This time I have a glimmer of hope it could be different.”

The new Healthy Financial Relationships Toolkit is made up of 16 different topics and divided into two sections – preparing for the conversation and talking about money.

“People often don’t talk about money until there’s a problem that can’t be ignored,” our Social Inclusion Manager, Nicola Eccleton shared. “If we can start conversations before the problems arise it becomes much easier to work through them before they escalate. This reduces negative outcomes like relationship conflict, divorce, bankruptcy, and even economic harm.”

The bespoke toolkit gives people, no matter what stage their relationship is at, different entry points to start conversations about money, improve their understanding of their own relationship with money and learn what healthy financial relationships look like.

“As individuals, the way we engage with money is influenced by many factors including culture, life experiences, gender norms and so on. This means emotions such as happiness, success and self-worth are closely linked to the way we relate to money. Our toolkit aims to support people to gain a better understanding about the emotions and obstacles that are connected to money conversations, and how to overcome them,” Nicola said.
Nicola Eccleton
Nicola Eccleton

Dr Ayesha Scott from AUT, whose research into financial harm in intimate partner relationships led to her involvement in the Healthy Financial Relationships Toolkit, said that without regular conversations about how money and resources will be used, spending can become individualised and one partner’s wants and needs can start to take precedence.

“Healthy financial conversations between partners are just as important as any other relationship conversation. Having successful and effective conversations means both of your needs and wants are considered, and you’re on the same page when it comes to money,” Ayesha said.
Dr Ayesha Scott

The toolkit features quizzes, activities, real-life examples and tips to help break down barriers that might be preventing people from having effective conversations with their partners.

“We’re excited to be working towards reducing money conflicts and the potential for economic harm, by providing people with relevant information and tools to have real, tangible conversations about money,” Nicola said.


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