Rebuilding financial wellbeing, one family at a time – BNZ

September 8, 2022

As BNZ’s Head of Customer Care, Frances Ronowicz gets to see the positive effects BNZ’s partnerships with organisations like Good Shepherd NZ are having on people’s lives.

The thing that struck me about Hayley Tinning, Financial Wellbeing Coach at Good Shepherd NZ, is that her work is literally changing people’s lives by helping them find a way to a debt-free future. As she says, “You see people transform from feeling quite down and helpless, to building financial capability and going off on their own.

Hayley plays an active role at Good Shepherd NZ, a not-for-profit organisation that supports long-term financial wellbeing. “I worked at BNZ for six years before joining Good Shepherd NZ’s Good Loans team.” Good Loans are fair, affordable, not-for-profit loans to help people with things like fixing a car to get to work, or paying for unexpected medical or dental expenses.

Now Hayley, alongside other committed kaimahi (workers), is opening up conversations around money – one family at a time. “It’s taboo in New Zealand culture to talk about our finances and this is negatively affecting our relationships with money, and each other.”

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